
I Love My HA Jamz

Supwitchugirl - I Love My Ducks

By Shereen Masoud-Jointe, Senior Account Executive (Europe)

Music moves us. It inspires us. It can fill us with joy or bring us to tears. In some instances, it can set us on a path of super fandom from which we never return …

One of the following HA Jamz selections did just that.


104.   I Love My Ducks — Supwitchugirl

105.   Gia Ena tango — Haris Alexiou

106.   醉赤壁 (Tales of the Red Cliff) by 林俊杰 (JJ Lin)

107.   Colors — Stella Jang


HA-WA Account Executive Kiana Cacchione explains how the I Love My Ducks YouTube video changed the trajectory of her life:

The year was 2010 and my Abercrombie and Fitch-wearing 8th grade self was absolutely thriving.

Tik Tok by Ke$ha (not the social media app) was bumping on my iPod, Double Rainbow and the parody song were the top videos on YouTube, and I decided that year I wanted to be an Oregon Duck.

Growing up in the Bay Area and having ZERO connection to Oregon at the time, my parents were confused as to why I was suddenly the biggest Duck-bandwagon fan at the time. I showed them I Love My Ducks by Supwitchugirl and they immediately got it. I began to bleed green and yellow from there on out.

I Love My Ducks was one of those YouTube videos that a friend of a friend was talking about after school one day, or one that you randomly find while in a YouTube rabbit hole. I can’t remember how I found this video exactly; however I’m forever grateful that I did. The backstory behind this viral video is classic — three roommates at the University of Oregon wanted to share their affinity for Oregon football, so they made a music video. To be completely honest, I didn’t realize that I Love My Ducks (Return of the Quack) was a parody of Mark Morrison’s 1996 Return of the Mack until a few years ago … please don’t come for me, lol.

Anyway, I was so obsessed with the Ducks that when they lost the 2011 National Championship football game, I refused to go to school the next day. Ten years later and I’m now a University of Oregon graduate, living in Portland and working with an office-full of fellow ducks (shout out HA-WA). Don’t sleep on YouTube videos, y’all … they could inspire you to make your next big move!

Have a wonderful week, and SCO DUCKS!

As always, you can follow along on our Spotify playlist.

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