
We Are Family

A Look at Hoffman’s Company Culture

 By Lydia Lau

The Hoffman Agency, Hong Kong

Often candidates ask me how they can succeed here at Hoffman. I always cite several things – being truly passionate about what you do, being a critical-thinking consultant with attributes like leadership and accountability, and being able to contribute to others’ success. But another essential ingredient of being a Hoffmanite is fitting in with our unique company culture. It’s this magic mix that makes us a great team.

Maybe you could argue that the above could apply to any company. I beg to differ. I thought I’d share just how important our “family” culture is.

While I’m not on the client servicing team, I’ll flag clients’ coverage, mentions, industry news or related articles that catch my eye. 


But going one step further, our own flesh and blood family members help too. Several times we’ve had parents and siblings call us about news articles for brands they know we work with. Someone on our team once even came home to be presented with a piece of paper from her dad listing the name of a news broadcast, journalist, job title and the exact timing for a programme that mentioned a client of ours. Talk about media monitoring!

I am sure we influence our friends and families when they see how passionate we are about our job.

I’m proud of our unique “one team, one family” culture. 

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