We recognize that all individuals are not provided the same advantages and privileges in our society. The inequities around the world underscore the need to change. With this in mind, we are dedicated to promoting diversity within our business and creating an inclusive organization.
To contribute to a more equitable world, The Hoffman Agency is committed to:
- Intentionally fostering a diverse workforce.
- We strive to include job candidates from diverse background.
- We strive to develop job descriptions that are both fair and objective.
- We aim for our recruitment panels to reflect diversity.
- We work with recruitment consultants who are committed to diversity and can tap diverse talent pools.
- Actively developing an inclusive culture for employees.
- We have complex, and sometimes difficult, conversations about diversity and inclusion in our workplace. Every member of the agency will have an equal voice.
- We work to build a community that cultivates a greater understanding and empathy between diverse team members.
- We regularly consult with employees to seek their feedback on the inclusivity of our working environment and how to make it more inclusive.
- We will not hesitate to take disciplinary action in response to racial discrimination or any type of harassment, bullying and intimidation.
- Promoting diversity and inclusion, and the tools to foster them, within our company, our community and the industry.
- We recognize the learning never stops. Toward this end, will share best practices and unsuccessful initiatives.
- We participate in relevant PR/comms industry initiatives in order to broaden understanding of the issues around diversity and best practice.
- We find ways to support ongoing diversity, inclusion and social justice initiatives local to our international offices.