
An Intern Retrospective

Alka Narayana

As my time as a Hoffman intern draws to an end, I am both excited for the future and fulfilled by what I was able to learn in these past three months.

While entering the agency side of public relations can be intimidating due to the fast-paced nature of managing multiple client accounts, it is a decision I would make again due to all the real, hands-on opportunities I experienced that aren’t generally granted at other PR internships.

My internship fully immersed me in tech PR by allowing me to take on various tasks, like new business research, coverage reports, media pitches, bylines and more. With every task completed, the reality and functions of tech PR become clearer!

I won’t lie: I experienced my fair share of imposter syndrome, thinking, “Do I have what it takes?” However, I soon realized that every deliverable, no matter how time-consuming and stressful, was a learning opportunity, not a test. And I never wanted to waste the chance to gain practice and proficiency in anything public relations related!

Though it was still hard for a perfectionist like me to take feedback and not immediately assume it was a personal attack, my time here has altered my mindset to be more accepting of input to actually live up to my perfectionist aspirations.

Everyone on the team strives together to create the best work for our clients. So, all the internal reviews and revisions are worth it when you can secure media opportunities and coverage for your clients.

Ultimately, my work and all the feedback on my assignments during the internship shaped me into a more thoughtful, creative storyteller.

One of my favorite parts about The Hoffman Agency is the supportive environment of everyone that works here. Each person at Hoffman is invested in advancing another’s skillset as a PR professional.

The endless support from fellow junior staff, account leads, managers and mentors at Hoffman ensures you are never left in the dark. The constant guidance and encouragement make the Agency so special to ensure your success as an intern and beyond.

For anyone else soon beginning their journey into the world of tech PR, my best advice is to come with a learning mindset. You won’t know how to do everything, which is entirely fine — no one expects you to know everything!

Take notes, ask questions, request examples, shadow people and do everything to fully immerse yourself in the work of public relations. Lastly, enjoy every moment where you get to live out your PR dreams; I know I certainly did!

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