By Emily Newton, Account Coordinator
Sometimes, someone or something enters your life at exactly the right time. For me, that was The Hoffman Agency. Freshly graduated and eager to begin my career, I felt like fate brought me to Hoffman’s internship program. The people were incredible, the timeline fit perfectly, and it was an opportunity to get my foot into the PR world.
The only issue that remained — how was I going to work in tech!?
As someone whose tech knowledge was limited to a general understanding of Wi-Fi, joining the tech industry came out of left field. My father, who used to work for an internet company, was elated for this transition. I, on the other hand, was extremely nervous.
I envisioned myself surrounded by tech geniuses, making a fool of myself as I struggle to keep up with the jargon. Yet, tech PR is not this big, scary industry full of tech-savvy wizards that I expected it to be. While we all have varying levels of tech experience, there is one thing we all have in common: a love for PR.
Within weeks of my internship, I was pitching to reporters, drafting briefing sheets and even communicating with clients. I don’t spend my days analyzing quantum computers or inventing the latest smartphone; I spend them doing PR.
I would be lying if I said the tech side of things is nonexistent. However, the satisfaction of a tech-heavy phrase finally clicking in your head is like nothing else. The Hoffman Agency has showed me that I am more capable than I ever thought.
If you are anything like me and crave a challenge in the workplace, then tech PR might be perfect for you. Don’t let the tech side of things hold you back from pursuing an agency like Hoffman; you will surely regret it. The one downfall of this experience is that I can no longer hear the terms “IP” or “semiconductor” without getting way too excited.
A colleague of mine recently wrote that she “keeps forgetting I’m new to tech PR.” That single line of feedback has been the most valuable part of my experience at Hoffman. It solidified to me that no matter the industry I end up in, it’s the PR that’s important.
As my internship comes to an end, I’m reminded of the trust my colleagues have had in me. They trusted that I would mesh into the company culture, trusted that I could provide quality content for our clients, and trusted that I would find my place in tech PR.
Now, as I eagerly, excitedly and gratefully begin my role as an Account Coordinator, I feel appreciative for that trust, and I look forward to proving them all right.