
A connect-the-dots moment brought me to the PR world

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By Miho Sakai, Intern

I first encountered PR when I was in elementary school. A book spotlighted people who work in the PR fashion industry, and I still remember how exciting it was when I read their interviews about their daily work and projects. My first impression of the industry was that it was “very cool” without knowing exactly what PR work was.

When I was in high school, I became interested in studying abroad and began researching what I wanted to do in college. The communication industry stood out to me because I enjoyed the freedom of creativity and also wanted to be a person who can build a bridge between people, companies and countries. While having those thoughts, I recalled the memory of how I was inspired by the PR industry, which finalized my decision to live abroad to explore my interest in PR.

During my time in college, I harbored my skills in communication through various projects: designing social media pages, working on digital art projects and web development. Such practical opportunities in media relations shaped my perspective on how I wanted to integrate my learning and interests into a professional direction.

As my graduation date approached, I had mixed feelings of nervousness and excitement to start my post-grad journey. I have always had a vision of thriving in the PR industry since high school, yet as I approached graduation I wasn’t feeling ready to dive into the professional world. I simply realized that I wasn’t sure which field in PR I wanted to pursue.

When I discovered The Hoffman Agency, I was surprised by the strong global presence, storyteller mindset and great social culture. These features inspired me to challenge myself to step into the tech PR world. When I accepted the position, I felt relieved and grateful to have this learning opportunity to hone my PR skills and tech PR knowledge.

Now, it’s been almost two weeks since I started, and I have been thrilled getting to know my accounts and tasks! I can’t thank everyone enough for the positive work environment and healthy culture at Hoffman — especially how kind and supportive people are whenever I reach out to them for questions.

Now, as I look back at the post-graduation job search period, I want to remine myself to explore because you would never know what you will find. I’m excited to work in this great learning environment and look forward to continuing to challenge myself and following my curiosity and passion!

My favorite after-work activity is spending some time cooking dinner while watching some shows. As I get used to this new work schedule, I would love to start a workout routine 🙂

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