
Going the Mile for a HA Jam

The Script - Hall of Fame

By Shereen Masoud-Jointe, Senior Account Executive (Europe)

How far would you go to see your favorite band live?

One really great friend I know got stuck in traffic for an hour and rode (read: borrowed) a bike from Google’s Mountain View campus to Shoreline Amphitheatre, just to take her best friend to see her favorite, Dave Matthews Band, for her birthday.

It was me. I’m the really great friend.  

One of the most recent HA Jamz additions drove a Hoffmanite to even more drastic lengths.


108.   差不多姑娘 (Similar Girls)— 邓紫棋 (G.E.M.)

109.   Pale Blue Dot— Big Wild

110.   Hall of Fame— The Script


Kimberlee Lim, account coordinator at HA-Singapore, recounts a perfectly imperfect night of escapades in Europe:

March 9th, 2018 in Zurich — Best. Night. Ever. Three hours of no holds barred singing along to The Script as they played all the songs I loved, including my all-time favourite, “Hall of Fame.” The song that has hyped me up before every softball match, school exam, presentation, job interview and every other momentous occasion in my life. Three hours in a darkened stadium lit with lights from mobile phones as my friends and I danced the night away. Two whole weeks of non-stop blasting and singing practice of their songs culminated in this one perfect evening, except …

It didn’t happen.

After a one-hour train ride of excitement from St. Gallen to Zurich, a bus ride to the Hallenstadion, and lots of confusion because none of us could speak German, we discovered the concert was canceled. See tragic Instagram announcement here. Cue massive disappointment (and maybe a tear or two). BUT that fateful night became a precious memory, nonetheless. My friends and I ended up going ice skating, where it started to snow, and as Singaporeans, this was absolutely amazing — the kind of scene we only ever see in movies. And I wouldn’t trade that memory for anything, not even for the concert. Maybe.

“You could go the distance,

You could run the mile,

You could walk straight through hell with a smile.”

That is the verse I like the most from the song. Always motivates me when life gets a little too tough on some days. Hope it works for you guys too 🙂

As always, you can follow along on our Spotify playlist.

P.S. No Google bikes were harmed in the opening story.

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