By Shereen Masoud-Jointe, Senior Account Executive (Europe)
241 days into this musical experiment, and we’re still bringing as much energy to jamming as Day 1 — proof that music really does feed the spirit.
127. Sincerity is Scary — the 1975
128. Galway Girl — Ed Sheeran
129. Happy Birthday — Tiger Hu
130. (一步成诗) Poem — 王诗安 (Diana Wang)
131. Good as Hell — Lizzo
132. Murasaki Blue — The Dorques (listen to this Hoffmanite original on YouTube)
HA-SJ Account Manager Melissa Lewelling described her frankly unbridled, unbeatable passion for Ed Sheeran and his “Galway Girl”:
So I’ve been waiting to share this song for months because it immediately came to mind as the one I wanted to circulate. No debate. No question. Immediately knew, because (I’m convinced) it’s my heart song 😊 — and yes, that is a reference to the animated movie, Happy Feet.
While I love a wide variety of music and have many “favorite” songs … this is not a favorite song. It is THE song for me. My go to, in every season. Couple of reasons:
- I LOVE Ed Sheeran — to call me a fangirl would be a massive understatement. I recognize he’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I could literally listen to him on repeat for weeks (and have actually haha).
- From the moment I first heard this song years ago it immediately sparked joy deep inside of my heart, and to this day I can’t help but smile ear to ear throughout the entire thing.
- I love storytelling — shocker! (and not a shameless HA plug; that’s actually what brought me here purposefully) and this song is all about the story.
- Not only that, but the music video was masterfully directed like a short film and edited with a super interesting visual point of view (*swoon* I’m also a film nerd). It’s designed so much like a short film that it actually “stars” Saoirse Ronan (who also happens to be one of my all-time favorite actresses; it’s like Ed knew.)
- It is just a happy song and makes me want to get up to dance. I have yet to be able to listen to it while sitting still — and I think we could all use a little more of that in life, regardless of circumstance.
All of that aside, I also have a great grandmother who was Irish and I always think of her when I hear this song. Although I never knew her, I feel a strong emotional connection to my Welsh and Irish roots.
As always, you can follow along on our Spotify playlist.