
HA Jamz for the Soul

I'm Still Standing - Elton John

By Shereen Masoud-Jointe, Account Executive (Europe)

Since this share-a-tune project started, the daily dose of music has been a welcome little pick-me-up in my inbox. There’s nothing like some soft rock, Lo-Fi or R&B to make your soul smile, and this week’s additions fit the bill.


45.   Vienna — Billy Joel

46.   I’m Still Standing — Elton John

47.   Lamp (feat. Nujabes) — haruka nakamura

48.   Teach You — Emily King

49.   Because of You — Ne-Yo


We can thank Executive Vice President Kymra Knuth’s teenage sons for her inspired song choice:


“I like so many different kinds of music — from rock like The Scorpions, Van Halen and Rush (my first concert was Ted Nugent), to mellow tunes from artists like Neil Diamond, James Taylor and Frank Sinatra.

“Lately both my boys — age 19 & 16 — have been listening a lot to Elton John, and he was the last concert I attended (it was Elton John & Billy Joel), so I decided to pick one of his songs that always lifts my spirts; and it I hope it does the same for you.

“I also think this song represents the strength of HA amid these crazy times!”


As always, you can follow along on our Spotify playlist.


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