
Hoffman Agency Shows Appetite For National Pizza Month

That’s right.

October is National Pizza Month.

Naturally, we felt it was our civic duty demonstrate support.

And demonstrate support we’ve done, creating what we affectionately call the “HAwaiian Pizza”

Hoffman Agency-National Pizza Month

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We often describe our global collaboration as our secret sauce. In this case, it’s of the tomato variety as our teams across the world make the supreme sacrifice this month in consuming pizza.

Hong Kong Office

Hoffman Agency-National Pizza Month-HK Office

Beijing Office

HA-China-Office-National Pizza Month

Shanghai Office

Shanghai-Hoffman Agency-National Pizza Month

Japan Office

Hoffman Agency-National Pizza Month

Korea Office

Hoffman Agency-National Pizza Month

Singapore Office

Hoffman Agency-National Pizza Month

U.S. Office

Hoffman Agency-National Pizza Month

EU Office

Note: Crazy schedules prevented a group lunch, but European MD Mike Sottak found time to stand in front of a Pizza Express.

Hoffman Agency-National Pizza Month-EU Office

Our conclusion—

While we wouldn’t recommend eating pizza on a daily basis, a periodic indulgence is good for the soul (and team building).

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