
Life as a HA Intern: Cori

What's life really like as an HA intern?

By Cori Hays
The Hoffman Agency, Portland-Vancouver

Let’s face it — most people don’t really know what public relations is. They have some abstract idea of what we do, but when it comes to the specifics, they’re lost. The general public isn’t alone. Confusion persists even among communications students.

After several PR and communications internships, I’ve come to realize that every experience is different. Sure, you might do some of the same tasks, but no two firms or companies are the same. Every business has its own way of doing things.

The Hoffman Agency gives its interns hands-on experience — experience that will be invaluable to future careers. For instance, in just four weeks, I’ve been able to dive into my clients’ activities and own projects.

What kind of hands-on experience am I talking about? Here’s what a day in the life of a HA intern really looks like:


If you’re planning on pursuing a career in PR, I hope you love writing. At Hoffman, I’m improving my writing skills every day — whether I’m creating a blog post, pitch or press release. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of seeing your work go live on a client’s blog or the pitch you wrote being sent to journalists.

Media Relations

In just four weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to build relationships with reporters — arguably the most important part of PR. Not only am I the behind-the-scenes person, but I also get to pitch these same journalists. Whether I’m generating media lists or pitching journalists, media relations is definitely a priority in my day.

Becoming an Expert

Working in tech PR means learning things I never imagined I’d know anything about. Ask my friends, and they’ll tell you that I’m not a tech-savvy person. But that’s the fun of it. I spend my days learning and becoming an expert in my clients’ fields. I scan the media for breaking industry news — from new studies to competitors’ actions. I’m in charge of knowing what’s happening in my clients’ world.

What’s the best part about interning at Hoffman? No two days are the same. This exciting experience lets me know that every day I’m one step closer to becoming the best PR professional I can be.

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