
The Wrap-Up: Three Lessons from Hoffman

portland pr internship program

My internship at The Hoffman Agency is nearing its bittersweet ending.

Over the past few months, I’ve grown in ways I never anticipated. The team at Hoffman provided a safe and warm environment for me to learn from day one.

While I did many scary things for the first time, such as writing briefing sheets and developing end-of-month reports, I always had teammates who believed in me and offered me hands-on guidance. The best part of my internship at Hoffman was knowing I had mentors, managers, and teammates who wanted to watch me succeed. 

It’s important to acknowledge the wins, big or small. I remember the satisfaction of nailing a byline abstract and the rush after hearing we had won a new client. On the flip side, my team was always there to help me correct course when I made mistakes.

I learned their feedback showed that they believed in me, and their expertise helped me grow tremendously as a professional. Throughout this internship, I’ve received many pieces of great advice to carry with me, so here are three of my key takeaways.

‘Be a sponge’

It takes time to get your feet under you whenever you start a new role. PR agency life involves many fast-moving parts, and all the information you receive can feel overwhelming when starting out. Remember that you’re always learning, even when you don’t realize it. Stay focused, trust the process, and be open to absorbing as much information as possible. In time, the things that feel unfamiliar will start to feel like second nature.

You will eventually have the freedom to approach projects on your own. You’ll have to decide when to seek guidance and when to follow your instincts. When a teammate or manager gives you thorough feedback and contextual information, they are preparing you for success in the future. Use this to your advantage!

It’s you vs. you

When it comes to working in an agency, you are often going to be your harshest critic. There are quick turnarounds, and mistakes are bound to happen here and there. The good news is you have a talented team behind you, and they understand it’s okay not to be perfect. 

Don’t be the person who stops believing in themselves because of a mistake or critical piece of feedback. In the end, we are all on the same team, and we are all trying to help each other become better. The quicker you can correct and come back from your mistakes, the less impact they will have. Celebrate your coworkers’ successes, and they will do the same!

You won’t be an intern forever

I used to daydream of this moment, being a few strides away from that gleaming finish line of completing a successful internship. I had no idea how quickly time would fly, and I wish I had given myself more grace during those learning moments. 

As an intern, there are many exciting benefits to being where you are in your career. You can ask as many questions as possible, try new things, make mistakes, bring a fresh perspective, and discover your value. You can build a new community and make glowing connections with people who value your potential. Embrace this exciting time; remember, you can make an impact. 

Here’s to an incredible internship experience at Hoffman. That’s a wrap!

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