
What’s a Wellness Hour?

By Hibo Abtidon, Account Coordinator 

In October, the Hoffman team started taking a “Wellness Hour” once a week, as a means for prioritizing mental health and ensuring everyone had time built into their work week to clear their head. The hour has no restrictions other than emails and IMs going on pause, as a means for respecting the break for all.

Here’s how some of our Hoffmanites are spending their wellness hour:

Dakota Floyd

Once in a while I’ll stop to either edit some photos or read a book. Currently I’m reading What Unites Us by Dan Rather. And editing photos.

Dakota Floyd Wellness Hour Activities



Woman with dog






Kelly Stone

I hold bi-weekly calls with my therapist while I walk my dog. My therapist is now based in Hawaii. 









Corgi on a walk





Caitlin Kruell

I usually spend my wellness hour taking a long walk with my puppy Lulu! We love going to the nearby park to explore all the exciting smells of the outdoors, work on training exercises and sometimes even make new dog friends. It’s been a great way to spend more quality time with her while taking a break from my computer screen at the same time. Plus, when we get home, she’s ready to take a nap while I finish out the workday.






The Big Note book


Steve Jursa

It’s not super exciting, but I’ve spent my time trying to read, but find myself getting sucked into the crazy news of the day. I’m currently reading “The Big Note” by Charles Ulrich and is described on the cover as “A Guide To The Recordings of Frank Zappa.” It’s more than 750 pages details every band he ever toured with, every album he ever released, quotes from Zappa and the numerous musicians who played with him over the years. I’m also listening to Zappa’s many albums and live performances while I read about the music. Totally immersive.

As way of background, Frank Zappa was a U.S. musician who lived from 1940 to 1993. He released more than 60 official albums, with another 60+ officially released bootlegs, posthumous albums and compilations.  These include more than 400 compositions. His music covered the musical spectrum ranging from psychedelic to rock to pop to jazz to classical to 1950’s doo-wop, and even a couple of movie soundtracks. I saw Zappa in concert several times, the first being in the mid-70’s and the last in the mid-80’s, right around the time he stopped touring because of his battle with cancer. He was a brilliant musician and an amazing guitar player.



Workout bike




Kelly Trom

I rediscovered the joy of movement! At the beginning of quarantine, I was getting no exercise beyond walking my dog, so I invested in an exercise bike. It’s been so therapeutic and fun to challenge myself with online classes and see my progress every week.








Hibo and her niece





Hibo Abtidon

Sometimes during Wellness Hour, I hang out with my niece and learn the newest TikTok dance from her. We recently got the same hair, so it’s been fun doing videos together.

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