
Agency Centric

A Tale of Two Cities:

A Beijing PR Gal Reflects on Her Placement in Shanghai By Deborah Wang The Hoffman Agency, Beijing As a Beijing-office girl having experienced an eight-month placement at The Hoffman Agency in Shanghai, is there anyone more qualified to tell the story of a two-city life? Was I excited about my new journey? Nervous about being…

HA China offsite

We Are Family

A Look at Hoffman’s Company Culture  By Lydia Lau The Hoffman Agency, Hong Kong Often candidates ask me how they can succeed here at Hoffman. I always cite several things – being truly passionate about what you do, being a critical-thinking consultant with attributes like leadership and accountability, and being able to contribute to others’…


A Unique Approach to “Rallying the Team”

By Sara Staffaroni The Hoffman Agency, San Jose The dreaded monthly staff meeting: sitting on uncomfortable chairs as your boss rambles on about the company while you eat stale cookies offered as “treats.” Or at least, that is what most employees have to endure. Fortunately, as a new addition, I quickly learned that The Hoffman…

Hoffman Agency Staff Meeting

Welcome to the Global Bazaar

By Stephen Burkhart The Hoffman Agency, San Jose Welcome to our new meeting place. Technically, it’s the new Hoffman Agency team blog, written by our staff around the world, from Hong Kong to London, Japan to Korea, the United States, Singapore and Berlin to Beijing and Shanghai. But we don’t really think of it as a…

PR across continents