

Billboards from Around the World

A Lesson in Branding from The Hoffman Agency In an effort to think critically about the way branding works, we will be taking an occasional break from the text-heavy blog post to muse on photos of billboards from around the world.  The questions at the forefront of our minds are: -How do billboards create a corporate…

What Taobao Taught Me about PR and China

By Cheryl Tan The Hoffman Agency, Shanghai Back in 2010, I relocated from Singapore to Shanghai to work for The Hoffman Agency China. Having just landed from tropical Singapore to frigid conditions in Shanghai, I very quickly realized that whatever I had with me wasn’t going to be enough. I needed additional clothes fast, and…

When It Comes to Social Media, Hoffman China Wins Big

By Terence Nip The Hoffman Agency, Beijing “The medium is the message,” this well-worn phrase coined by philosopher Marshall McLuhan has changed our understanding of communications. According to McLuhan, the medium’s relationship with its message is symbiotic; it shapes how the message is perceived. In 2012, McLuhan’s message has been given new life in the…

Nip_social media in china

Why Businesses in Hong Kong Should Get Social Media-savvy

By Clara Liu The Hoffman Agency, Hong Kong As communications professionals, we’re brimming with opinions and industry insights. Typically, we might speak to marketers, PR news journals or bloggers about our take on the industry, but what about the mainstream business press? We’re always on the lookout for top-tier opportunities to demonstrate our clients’ thought…

Welcome to the Global Bazaar

By Stephen Burkhart The Hoffman Agency, San Jose Welcome to our new meeting place. Technically, it’s the new Hoffman Agency team blog, written by our staff around the world, from Hong Kong to London, Japan to Korea, the United States, Singapore and Berlin to Beijing and Shanghai. But we don’t really think of it as a…

PR across continents