

Singles Day

China’s Online Shopping Fiesta By Jason Wang The Hoffman Agency, Shanghai For people interested in China’s online shopping industry, “Singles Day” (or Guanggun Jie, literally: “bare sticks holiday”) is a must-know. Conceived by Chinese college students as a version of Valentine’s Day for people without romantic partners, “Singles Day” is similar to Cyber Monday in…

What 2013 Has in Store for Hong Kong:

Predictions on the Economy and the Role of PR in Business  By Jenny Chan The Hoffman Agency, Hong Kong As the Hong Kong team sets off on a new year, we’d like to take a backward glance at what’s been going on in our market over the past 12 months and where we think the…

A Tale of Two Cities:

A Beijing PR Gal Reflects on Her Placement in Shanghai By Deborah Wang The Hoffman Agency, Beijing As a Beijing-office girl having experienced an eight-month placement at The Hoffman Agency in Shanghai, is there anyone more qualified to tell the story of a two-city life? Was I excited about my new journey? Nervous about being…

HA China offsite

The Internet Never Forgets:

A Personal Rant Goes Global By Bridget Kow The Hoffman Agency Singapore Last month, we took a look at some of the most cringe-worthy social media fails from around the world and learned an important lesson: the Internet never forgets. Every bad word, emotional outburst, whisper of gossip and comment is permanently documented and searchable…

Amy Cheong screenshot - final

Mobile Use on the Rise in Kenya

By Esha Lotey The Hoffman Agency, London The rise of mobile phone use has always interested me. In fact, I studied how mobile communications affect our everyday lives while attending a module on “The Age of Social Media” as part of my Politics & Sociology degree. But I’d like to take a brief look at…

One Truly Global Mission

By Polly Yu The Hoffman Agency, Hong Kong Here at Hoffman, we believe in sharing a little bit of happiness and harmony in the business world, so we work pro bono on some initiatives that are committed to creating a strong, global business ecosystem. One example is our work with Hua Yuen Science and Technology…

Cyberport at Innospring