
Life As A HA Intern

Life as a HA Intern: Cori

By Cori Hays The Hoffman Agency, Portland-Vancouver Let’s face it — most people don’t really know what public relations is. They have some abstract idea of what we do, but when it comes to the specifics, they’re lost. The general public isn’t alone. Confusion persists even among communications students. After several PR and communications internships,…

Life as a HA Intern: Nabila

By Nabila Faisal The Hoffman Agency I distinctly remember my first day as a public relations intern. I walked in the front door of The Hoffman Agency, and the first thing I saw was that everyone looked truly intent on their work. Most were busy typing away on their laptops, some were on their phones…

Life as a HA Intern: Hanna

By Hanna Herrin The Hoffman Agency, Portland-Vancouver Prior to joining The Hoffman Agency, I had intern opportunities to explore the public relations industry — both in-house and agency — but too often, I found myself siloed in these positions. The minute I started my internship with Hoffman, however, I knew it was going to be…

An inside look into life as an HA intern.

Life as a Hoffman Agency Intern: Alaric Ng

By Alaric NgThe Hoffman Agency, Hong Kong I remember having just returned from my six-month student exchange program in the United States to Singapore. Severely jetlagged and still adjusting back to the humid tropical climate from the bitter cold of the Midwest, I had only four days to unpack and pack before I was off…

Life as a HA Intern: Emily

By Emily Scher The Hoffman Agency, San Jose Prior to my internship with The Hoffman Agency, I had no immediate experience working in tech, or in a PR agency at all for that matter. I was a soon-to-be graduate with a degree in public relations from the University of Oregon. I also grew up surrounded…

Life As a HA Intern: Megan

By Megan HernbrothThe Hoffman Agency, San Jose It’s amazing how quickly 12 weeks can fly by. In June, I began my journey as an intern here at Hoffman. It was my first official experience at a PR agency, and I was excited to dive in to multiple accounts instead of specializing in a single market,…

Megan is a summer 2014 at the Hoffman Agency in San Jose.