
PR Industry

This Week in PR: December 18, 2015

Are you making a major faux pas with a journalist? Is “the Force” with your PR strategy? Are your social networks ready for a crisis? Check out the Hoffman team’s favorite PR blog posts and articles from this week: The relationship between PR professionals and journalists is symbiotic at best … and at worst is…

This Week in PR

This Week in PR: December 11, 2015

Are your press release headlines putting people to sleep? Did #AskLaneBryant turn into a #PRFail? How can you rejuvenate your PR enthusiasm for 2016? Check out the Hoffman team’s favorite PR blog posts and articles from this week: You could write the most interesting, thoughtful and ground-breaking press release in the world, but it won’t…

This Week in PR

This Week in PR: December 4, 2015

Are robots going to take over PR? Who should you be listening to on social media? Can you afford to hire a designer? Check out the Hoffman team’s favorite PR blog posts and articles from this week: Who doesn’t love a look into the future, especially when it might help you do your job better?…

This Week in PR

Being the T Professional (and How Being One Can Help Your Career)

By Deborah Giam The Hoffman Agency, Singapore “If it works for Charlie Munger, then it could work for anyone.” When I sat down to write this blog post for our company, trying to think about the profound things I could say, I realized I was drawing a blank. Was there something that I felt so…

This Week in PR: November 20, 2015

What do fashion and social media have in common? What’s your PR resolution this year? Which contestant are you in the blogger relations “dating” game? Check out the Hoffman team’s favorite PR blog posts and articles from this week: It’s impossible to browse the Internet for five minutes without running into some current presidential campaign…

This Week in PR

This Week in PR: November 13, 2015

What do Veterans Day and PR have in common? Is there a cure for your writer’s block? What is the best way to engage with millennials? Check out the Hoffman team’s favorite PR blog posts and articles from this week: While many celebrities and politicians celebrated Veterans Day with an Instagram post or important speech,…

This Week in PR