
PR Industry

How to Conquer Your First Week as a PR Agency Intern

By Kelly Brokaw The Hoffman Agency, San Jose You’ve just heard back from your employer. Congratulations, you got the internship! But not so fast. Before you step through those doors on the first day, there are a few things you’ll need to know in order to succeed during your first week — a few things…

How to Use Constructive Feedback to Your Advantage

By Megan Bauer The Hoffman Agency, Portland-Vancouver As we all know and have come to learn since childhood, feedback is a part of life. Whether it comes in the form of comments on a paper or thoughts from a manager, it is always present. Yet even with reassurance, constructive feedback can be difficult to hear…

Attention, Young PR Professionals — A Few Backdoor Tips to Get You Through Your First Year

By Emily Scher The Hoffman Agency, San Jose When we young college grads and professionals first enter the workforce, we take in all the help we can get. When I first joined The Hoffman Agency, I was determined to pick anyone and everyone’s brains, from “Do I bring my own laptop?” to “How should I…

What a Degree in Journalism Taught Me About Public Relations

By Melissa Lewelling The Hoffman Agency, San Jose “Choose wisely, because the rest of your professional life hangs on this one decision …” is not what I heard when choosing my major for college. In fact, the adults in my life were so insistent that I would change my major at least twice, they almost…

Advice to Graduates from 2015 Commencement Speeches

By Kelly Brokaw The Hoffman Agency, San Jose It’s that time of year again – graduation season is in full swing. Across the country, schools book big name celebrities, businessmen, businesswomen, philanthropists and politicians for commencement addresses. While some of this year’s speeches were emotional or comical, many were bursting with inspiring life and career…

5 Tips for Landing a PR Internship

By Michelle Favalora The Hoffman Agency, San Jose It’s that time of year. Birds are chirping, spring has sprung and college upperclassmen are polishing up their resumes. It can be incredibly difficult to secure an internship, especially when you don’t already have other internship experience to give you a boost. But, there are ways to…

How to land your first pr internship