
PR Industry

How Do You Learn PR? Part 2.

By Giuseppina Chiaramonte The Hoffman Agency, San Jose Last week we chatted with Burghardt Tenderich, associate professor at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication, to hear his take on the benefits of studying PR and how the changing industry impacts the Comms curriculum. This week we had the chance to catch up…

should you be a PR major?

How Do You Learn PR? Part 1.

By Giuseppina Chiaramonte The Hoffman Agency, San Jose   Let me preface this by saying, I never studied PR. Though I entered college as a communications major, ultimately I chose “Romanticism” and “Non-fiction Writing” over “Intro to Comms.” However, I’ve often wondered about studying PR. The Internet and social media have transformed the way we…

Jeopardy! Champ Shakes Up Status Quo. Why You Should, Too.

By Stephen Burkhart The Hoffman Agency, San Jose   You can learn a lot by watching Jeopardy!. I don’t mean the endless trivia that marches across the TV screen every night. What I’m talking about is the backstory of the new champion Arthur Chu. He has stirred up controversy (yes, controversy has even struck Jeopardy!)…

how jeopardy inspires creative communications

The Secret Sauce to Building (Meaningful) Relationships in PR

  By Jacqueline Velasco The Hoffman Agency, San Jose Today I had two interactions with colleagues that began with their asking how my day was and vice versa. A quick 30-second conversation then led into asking for a favor on locating some data and looking over a document. Would those favors have been taken care…

building relationships

Target Misses the Target in Responding to Massive Security Breach

By Stephen Burkhart The Hoffman Agency, San Jose Target’s tagline is “Expect More, Pay Less.” But after Target’s massive security breach, the new slogan really should be: “Expect the Worst, Trust Less.” A recent article on CNBC, tells the tale about who is paying a hefty price in inconvenience:  It’s the consumers who trusted Target…

Target credit card crisis communication

7 Ways You Can Help Your PR Agency Achieve Great Results

By Katie Oxenford The Hoffman Agency, San Jose A large part of the success or failure of a PR program depends on the strength of the relationship between client and agency. That’s why, at The Hoffman Agency, we don’t take on a client unless we believe it has what it takes to be a successful…

Successful PR campaigns