
PR Industry

The New Journalism: What the Media Industry Evolution Means for PR Pros

By Scott VanSickle The Hoffman Agency, San Jose Throughout my career, journalism and the media industry have been changing; and there is no end in sight. This industry transformation began with the emergence of the Internet, and the pace of change has steadily accelerated in the past decade. We have witnessed a stream of bankrupt…

Changes ahead in Journalism

Land Your Dream PR Job: Five Tips for Graduating Seniors

By Kali Bean The Hoffman Agency, San Jose While nearly seven years have passed since my college graduation, I still remember my first day of senior year when it occurred to me that this was going to be my last first day of school. It was maybe a bit dramatic, but I’ve always had a thing…

How to be a Thought Leader

By Giuseppina Chiaramonte The Hoffman Agency, San Jose Thought leadership is one of those buzzwords that gets tossed around a lot in public relations. Everybody talks about it, but what does it really mean, and what are its characteristics? To me, being a thought leader is kind of like being Socrates. You’re not just an expert…

Around the PR World in 180 Days

An American Grad’s Take on her PR Internship in Singapore By Lauren Ho The Hoffman Agency Singapore As a recent college grad, believe me when I tell you that finding your place in the corporate world is an incredibly daunting task. It’s also made a thousand times more intimidating when you attempt to do so…

PR Internship

In Search of the Chinese Dream

A Guide to Doing Business in China By Terence Nip The Hoffman Agency, Hong Kong The “American dream” assures people that they can have a happy and successful life if they work hard enough. This gets me thinking: what is China’s answer to the American dream? Mr. Xi Jinping, the new General Secretary of the…

“In PR, You Never Give Up”

Reflections on the PR Industry by a Junior Consultant By Lizzy Fan, The Hoffman Agency, Shanghai I was first introduced to PR when taking a Marketing Communications course during my postgraduate study at the University of Birmingham. The professor truly inspired my interest. We developed a marketing communication campaign for “Green & Black,” a UK…