
Social Media

On Medium: Are Politicians Becoming Publications?

By Felice Tsui The Hoffman Agency, San Jose It’s no surprise that political communications are rapidly changing. This year’s State of the Union streamed live on YouTube for the first time, and Barack Obama participated in the first presidential AMA (ask-me-anything) in 2012. Now, Medium is shaking up the blogosphere by giving politicians yet another…

How politicans are becoming publishers in today's digital world

How to trick-or-treat on Instagram

By Amanda Margozzi The Hoffman Agency, San Jose What is the one thing that kids love more than Instagram? Candy. Put the two together and you’ve got one successful social media campaign. In the spirit of Halloween — one of the fastest-growing consumer holidays — Target launched its first major Instagram campaign on October 14,…

To Dump or not to Dump, That is The Question

By Megan Bauer The Hoffman Agency, Portland-Vancouver And no, I don’t mean dumping a PR agency. This is a very specific type of dumping: a bucket of ice water on your head. You could say that the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has been a slippery slope for some: But the reality is that donations to…

A Picture Perfect Social Media Cheat Sheet

By Rasheed Abu Bakar The Hoffman Agency, Singapore We all know the importance of a great profile photo on social media. Nothing looks worse than a poorly cropped timeline image on Facebook or a low-resolution profile photo on Twitter. With social media platforms evolving significantly over the past few years, they are no longer just…

social media cheat sheet

Keep Your Audience on Your Side: 3 Tips to Crisis Communication on Social Media

By Natalie Lowe The Hoffman Agency, Shanghai Recently I was asked the following question on Twitter by @12mass: While this topic is not new, I thought it would be beneficial to revisit some of the key tips to diffusing a crisis on social media:   1.       Be sociable on social. Even though the conversation is…

Is Social Media the New “Front Line” in Disaster Response?

By Terence Nip The Hoffman Agency, Hong Kong “Polar Vortex” has definitely become one of the biggest social media buzzwords of 2014 thus far. When North America was first paralyzed by the deep freeze, millions gave up braving the cold for school or work, thousands of flights were cancelled, and many were rushed to emergency…

AMC Tweet - Social Media in Disaster Response