

Why We Introverts Belong in Public Relations

By Emily Scher The Hoffman Agency My name is Emily, and I am an introvert. I know, an introvert working in public relations. It sounds like a paradox, right? We generally expect public relations professionals to be outgoing and loquacious — and most of all, excellent communicators. But, who says introverts are poor communicators? In…

Cartoon of business people in a meeting where a businessman has his arm raised. The leader says to just shout out the idea.

5 Unique Ways to Zap Some Spirit into Your Company Culture

By Lauren Ho The Hoffman Agency, San Jose Culture is quickly becoming one of the hottest buzzwords in today’s business world. More and more people are beginning to recognize the importance of company culture, and the impact that it has on employee retention. And when you’re in the heart of Silicon Valley, surrounded by the…

The importance of company culture

Running the Race in Public Relations

By Adele Soh The Hoffman Agency, Singapore My greatest achievement in 2014 was completing my first-ever half marathon. Running never came easy to me, especially in my formal schooling years where annual physical tests were mandatory. Yes, the seemingly short 2.4km run used to be my biggest nemesis. As I reflect on my 21km run,…

How running a race can train you for PR.

How a Career in PR Prepared Me for Conquering NYC

By Amanda Margozzi The Hoffman Agency, San Jose A self-proclaimed “small town girl” (I live in the 30,000-person suburb of Morgan Hill, after all), I found that my recent summer vacation to New York City was nothing less than extraordinary. Who knew that 8.5 million people could fit into just over 300 square miles? And…

The Changing Landscape: Journalism and Media

By Shingo Nomura The Hoffman Agency The Washington Post’s recent article, “Why the PR industry is Sucking Up Pulitzer Winners,” published on April 20, caught my eye. The article discusses two Pulitzer winners who left their mid-sized regional newspapers to pursue careers in PR. It also points out that financial restraints have forced many local…

Study Reveals Personality Traits of “Dog People” vs. “Cat People”

By Sara Staffaroni The Hoffman Agency, San Jose According to a new study from UC Berkeley and California State University, East Bay, there are distinctive personality traits between people who identify themselves as a “cat person,” or a “dog person.”   The study found that 38 percent of people consider themselves more as “dog people,”…