Search Results: blog/home

Learning and Growing at Hoffman: My Internship Experience

To say that my time as Hoffman has been valuable is an extreme understatement. When I wrote my first blog, I had no clue what this last one would look…

Happy young professional sitting outside in a New Orleans t-shirt and sunglasses.

Visiting Hoffman in China — a global agency, locally relevant

Previously on #BuildingBridges2023, Mike spent time in our offices in Singapore and Taiwan. (If you didn’t catch the blog post, you can check it out here before diving into the…

Group of Professionals enjoying a festive birthday lunch of fried chicken and cake.

Story Studio

…finds the right story but also the right channels to deliver it. Whether that be a search-optimized corporate blog, a clever social ad campaign, or an e-book that is shared…

campfire storytelling