
What They Don’t Teach You in Journalism School

By Kymra Knuth The Hoffman Agency, Portland-Vancouver I’m probably dating myself by confessing that when I was in college majoring in journalism and public relations, we only learned about in-house PR jobs— PR agencies were never discussed. So I assumed I would end up promoting and dealing with crisis for one company. At the time,…

This Week in PR: December 18, 2015

Are you making a major faux pas with a journalist? Is “the Force” with your PR strategy? Are your social networks ready for a crisis? Check out the Hoffman team’s favorite PR blog posts and articles from this week: The relationship between PR professionals and journalists is symbiotic at best … and at worst is…

This Week in PR

Sifting Through Journalists’ Gripes and Grumbles for PR Lessons

Cross-posted from Ishmael’s Corner By Lou Hoffman Since I embarked on my PR adventure in 1983, everything has changed. Except one dynamic. Journalists griped about PR folks back in 1983, and they’re still griping today. To be objective, the bad behavior of a select few cultivates “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” (yes, I…

Lessons Learned from PR in 2015

By Megan Bauer The Hoffman Agency, Portland-Vancouver As 2015 comes to a close and we ring in the New Year, it’s important to reflect on the learnings from this past year. From Syrian hackers and sports faux paus, to retail store implications on clothing design to millennials not paying for the news … this year…

This Week in PR: December 11, 2015

Are your press release headlines putting people to sleep? Did #AskLaneBryant turn into a #PRFail? How can you rejuvenate your PR enthusiasm for 2016? Check out the Hoffman team’s favorite PR blog posts and articles from this week: You could write the most interesting, thoughtful and ground-breaking press release in the world, but it won’t…

This Week in PR

The Human Element: A Brand’s Secret Weapon

By Jacqueline Velasco The Hoffman Agency, San Jose Let’s face it; some of the industries our clients represent (and we PR professionals are tasked with publicizing) aren’t the most glamourous or interesting. However, when you are sourcing for stories and trying to figure out what will resonate best with the media and target audience, regardless…