
Dear Brands, All I Want for the Holidays are Visuals

By Megan Bauer The Hoffman Agency, Portland-Vancouver Just take a second to read through the visual above. While my family may not be quite this crazy, there is something to be said about  a fun visual (courtesy of Scott Bateman) that adds a new spin to the same old holiday conversation. Every year we see…

The Worst Customer Service Narrative in the History of Branding

Cross-posted from Ishmael’s Corner By Lou Hoffman In facilitating a branding workshop last week, it suddenly struck me. One of the great myths of branding is the big guys get it right. Thanks to their ample war chests, they can hire the smartest people, maintain an endless flow of M&Ms during focus groups and stockpile…

This Week in PR: November 13, 2015

What do Veterans Day and PR have in common? Is there a cure for your writer’s block? What is the best way to engage with millennials? Check out the Hoffman team’s favorite PR blog posts and articles from this week: While many celebrities and politicians celebrated Veterans Day with an Instagram post or important speech,…

This Week in PR

3 Visual Ways to Spice up Your Company Story

By Amanda Margozzi The Hoffman Agency, San Jose As a public relations practitioner for high-tech B2B companies, I am no stranger to the task of taking dry marketing jargon — or as we call it, corporate speak — and transforming it into an intriguing, human story that might actually interest journalists. Throw in the challenge…

REI Announces Black Friday Closure. Brilliant PR is the Result.

By Emily Scher The Hoffman Agency, San Jose How many retailers can tell their customers to take a hike — literally — and end up with rave reviews, happy customers and outstanding PR? To answer the question, not many. As many retailers try to one-up each other by offering more and more extravagant deals and…

This Week in PR: November 6, 2015

What do Halloween and PR have in common? Who would win in the battle between YouTube and Vimeo? How can you become an expert on vetting experts? Check out the Hoffman team’s favorite PR blog posts and articles from this week: Already missing the copious amounts of candy and fun costumes? Never fear because PR…

This Week in PR