
This Week in PR: September 25, 2015

What cardinal blogging sins are you committing? Are cats the fundraising key that you are missing? How much of a Google Analytics pro are you? Check out the Hoffman team’s favorite PR blog posts from this week: We all knew that cats hold some mystical power over the Internet, but who knew they also hold…

This Week in PR

My Draft Picks: Top Social Media Tools

By Erin Hartwig The Hoffman Agency, San Jose  Social media can be just as much of a science as it is an art. And despite stats showing that 88 percent of millennials regularly get news from Facebook as well other social media channels, we PR professionals are still left trying to convince current or potential…

What Qualities Does Hoffman Look for in Job Candidates?

By Michelle Favalora The Hoffman Agency, San Jose Here at Hoffman, we take our office culture very seriously. So, when it comes time to hire a new teammate, not only do we look for candidates with media and writing experience, but we also look for folks that would be a good personality fit for our…

This Week in PR: September 18, 2015

What is native advertising and how could it affect your daily tasks? How can you leverage Snapchat and its features to promote your brand? Do you dislike Facebook’s newest options? Check out the Hoffman teams’ favorite PR blog posts from this week: Have you been wondering what trends in publishing could affect the way you…

This Week in PR

The Connection Between Anecdotes and Storytelling in Business Communications

Cross-posted from Ishmael’s Corner By Lou Hoffman I am an unabashed fan of the anecdote. I’m also convinced that it’s one of the most underutilized storytelling techniques in business communications. Executives often perceive anecdotes as fluff and put the kibosh on such content before it sees the light of the day. That explains why if…

A Journalism Major’s Guide to PR

By Macy Crowe The Hoffman Agency, San Jose Lured by the adrenaline rush that I get from a good story and a passion for writing, I began my communications career on a path different from many other young PR professionals — Journalism. Now after a month into my internship with The Hoffman Agency, I have…