
Rules of Social Media:

How people are trying to avoid a #SM #Fail By Ian Lee The Hoffman Agency Singapore It’s 2013 – time to leave behind our past mistakes and bad social media habits lest we end up making the same #fails that my colleagues mentioned here and here. To find out how social media users are avoiding…

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A Social Media Dictionary:

The Hottest Buzzwords Dominating Chinese Social Networks By Colin Yang The Hoffman Agency, Shanghai Friendship 101 states that meaningful relationships develop between people who share things in common. Or – to borrow the maxim – birds of a feather flock together.  Now, this doesn’t mean that if you’re an Indiana Jones fan you can only…

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Why New Media is Changing the Game for Strategic Communications

By Jessica Ching The Hoffman Agency, Hong Kong In January, British music and entertainment retailer HMV announced that it had filed for bankruptcy. The news put many music lovers in Hong Kong in a state of mourning. Without doubt, HMV retail stores hold a special place in Hong Kongers’ hearts. At its golden age in the…

Around the PR World in 180 Days

An American Grad’s Take on her PR Internship in Singapore By Lauren Ho The Hoffman Agency Singapore As a recent college grad, believe me when I tell you that finding your place in the corporate world is an incredibly daunting task. It’s also made a thousand times more intimidating when you attempt to do so…

PR Internship

The Instagram Initiative:

Using Social Tools to Ignite Company Culture By Giuseppina Chiaramonte The Hoffman Agency, San Jose I have to admit that I’m partial to small groups. I attended a small high school, then a small university, and I started my PR career in a boutique-sized firm. There’s something different about the workplace culture that one finds…

InsideHA Collage - Company Culture

Modern Technology:

Shaping a Different Kind of Childhood By Amy Temple The Hoffman Agency, London The other day a phone book was delivered to my door, much to the confusion of my daughter. She couldn’t understand what its purpose was.  “Why do we need a book of numbers?” she asked. I can’t blame her. In our house,…