
What Taobao Taught Me about PR and China

By Cheryl Tan The Hoffman Agency, Shanghai Back in 2010, I relocated from Singapore to Shanghai to work for The Hoffman Agency China. Having just landed from tropical Singapore to frigid conditions in Shanghai, I very quickly realized that whatever I had with me wasn’t going to be enough. I needed additional clothes fast, and…

My First Trade Show: Thoughts from IP Expo

By Esha Lotey The Hoffman Agency, London As a junior consultant at Hoffman Europe’s London office, I am responsible for various tasks depending on the particular request of my clients and team. I generally engage in media relations and account co-ordination. Until recently, however, I had yet to work on or attend an influential trade…


Making Sense of Data: Tips on Interviewing a Scientist

By Tom McHale The Hoffman Agency, Beijing For business reporters accustomed to interviewing CEOs and marketing managers, sitting down with a scientist can be disconcerting. PR executives, by the way, often don’t fare much better when it’s a scientist on the client side of the conference room table. At times, conversation with a scientist can…

When It Comes to Social Media, Hoffman China Wins Big

By Terence Nip The Hoffman Agency, Beijing “The medium is the message,” this well-worn phrase coined by philosopher Marshall McLuhan has changed our understanding of communications. According to McLuhan, the medium’s relationship with its message is symbiotic; it shapes how the message is perceived. In 2012, McLuhan’s message has been given new life in the…

Nip_social media in china

Being Heard in a Crowded Room

By Anton Molodetskiy The Hoffman Agency, San Jose As brands and companies become more aware of the benefits of public relations (or perhaps, as more people want to become experts in social media), it is integral for agencies to understand that resting on our laurels can mean the difference between success and stagnation. The Holmes…

A Unique Approach to “Rallying the Team”

By Sara Staffaroni The Hoffman Agency, San Jose The dreaded monthly staff meeting: sitting on uncomfortable chairs as your boss rambles on about the company while you eat stale cookies offered as “treats.” Or at least, that is what most employees have to endure. Fortunately, as a new addition, I quickly learned that The Hoffman…

Hoffman Agency Staff Meeting