
Team Spirit a Winner for Hoffman Asia Pacific

We first connected with David Frost, founder of Australian PR agency PR Deadlines, back in 2001 for an assignment involving Juniper Networks.

The fit worked. We’ve been teaming with PR Deadlines ever since.

David’s son Luke is now a big part of PR Deadlines. Even at an early age, Luke proved calm under fire.

David and Luke Frost - PR Deadlines

It’s kind of tough to segue from this photo, but I’ll try.

In the course of implementing multi-market campaigns across Asia, we’re fortunate to have high-quality partners like PR Deadlines in Australia.

– Lou

Team Spirit a Winner for Hoffman Asia Pacific

In the dim and distant past, as a fearless young journalist, my short track record in England, New Zealand and Hong Kong was enriched by a truly remarkable experience working at an English language newspaper in Thailand, the Bangkok World.

My job was to edit four or five piles of copy (news stories) from various sources into the front page and three or four other pages at heart attack speed. Yet it was the proof-readers who were stars of the show.

They were crucially important as the newspaper was hand-set by a roomful of Thai girls, few of whom understood English, either spoken or written. They formed words by comparing each letter with the original text by shape alone, all the while chattering happily among themselves. It sounded like entering a birdcage!

The proof-readers, mostly American, hurriedly corrected their work on page proofs, and ultimately we produced a fairly legible newspaper.

All that changed one dark night, as I walked home after the day’s work. Suddenly a large Thai male appeared at each elbow. Gulp. Instead of the expected mugging, they asked politely: ‘Would I like to have lunch tomorrow with Associated Press’s chief of bureau?’

Yes I would!

My experience on the good old World, now defunct, was galaxies (and many years) apart from my first close encounter with The Hoffman Agency, helping with an Asia Pacific pitch to Juniper Networks in Hong Kong, in 2001. Professional standards were sky-high, and the pitch was meticulously researched and carefully presented. The Hoffman team taught me a great deal.

Yet they had something in common with those Thai typesetters — clearly they enjoyed being together, working to win a new account and afterwards sharing part of their social lives. Laughter and fun were enjoyed by one and all.

This is a wonderful way to do business, and I’m sure the work-and-play ethos and team spirit pervades The Hoffman Agency worldwide since I’d guess it filters down from Lou Hoffman himself.

As we say in Australia: Good on ya’, Lou! Good on ya’, Hoffman Asia Pacific!

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